Monday, 22 February 2016

What is what when it comes to the contact card

I was wondering which attributes from an AD user object, is shown on the Lync/Skype4B contact card.

Let's check it out.

I took an old friend of mine from my lab, Mr. Baggins, you might know him, not so tall chap rather polite and always dresses perfectly for the occassion, gave him a few different values for his AD attributes.

Then I ran the Update-CsAddressbook cmdlet and waited for the event 21056 to appear. All good. Started the client and got the newest address book, ready to go.

Searching for Bilbo, got this result
Obviously we see the Display Name (red square), Job Title (green square) and Department (blue square).

Showing the contact card, rendered this result.

Here we see a clear mapping between the AD attributes and the contact card fields.

Using the ABSConfig.exe tool (part of the Lync/Skype4B reskit), we can clearly see these mappings.

We can also adapt the mapping between these fields, and leave some of them out, if necessary. There is an extra column to the right, with the label "Enabled" removing the tick from the box, removes the attribute from the contact card.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Response group agent state or how to check RGS agent state

A client recently had an issue with a response group (RGS) queue, where the call came nicely into the queue, but the call was not presented to the agents.

A small query into the Skype4B backend database gave us the answer: The agent were not logged into the RGS.

select T1.Name, T3.DisplayName, T4.[State] 
from [rgsconfig].dbo.AgentGroups as T1
join rgsconfig.dbo.AgentGroupsToAgentsMap as T2
on T1.ID = T2.AgentGroupId 
join rgsconfig.dbo.Agents as T3
on T2.AgentId = T3.ID
left join rgsdyn.dbo.AgentGroupSignInStates as T4
on (T2.AgentGroupId = T4.GroupId and T2.AgentId = T4.AgentId)
where T4.[State] in (0,1) and T1.Name like 'servicedesk 1%'
group by T1.Name,T1.ID,T3.DisplayName,T3.ID,T4.[State]

Gave us a nice little list of the users:
State 0 = not logged in
State 1 = logged in
If the user is not in the list, the user has never signed into the response group.

We can see that there are no users active in Servicedesk 1. line group, so this explains why no calls are presented to the agents